niedziela, 19 grudnia 2010

Animals' Confessions. Tenderness of Being

artists: Tomasz Rogaliński, Filip Sadowski
curator: Dorota Łagodzka

7.01. – 13.02.2011
opening: 7th January, 6 PM

Wozownia Art Gallery
Ducha Św. street No 6, Torun
director: Anna Jackowska

I confess as an animal, that therefore I am – Agata Araszkiewicz wrote to paraphrase Jacques Derrida. Through a play on words ‘to confess’ and ‘animal’, possible only in Polish, the author added emotions to Derrida's philosophical reflections on animality. One of the artistic comments on these considerations are presented on the exhibition in Wozownia: the sculptures of Tomasz Rogaliński and the videos of Filip Sadowski.

The thing that unites them is the figure of a dog. It is the main character; a man appears as apposition, addition, the hero of the second plan. All works contemplate, in some way, the ordinariness of the dog, of the animal in itself, rather than as a symbol of something human, not as a carrier of human meanings and metaphors. In these works the dogs appear as specific individuals, as persons, but also as universal signs of “what-is-doggy” and animality in general. The works reveal a way of being a dog in the world and they are not abstracted from the animal's relationship with the man; they bring on the different ways of human presence.

The works of Rogaliński and Sadowski are full of emotional atmosphere: they contain specific measure of sensitivity and feelings that are very hard to put in a way that is not banal or kitsch. They did it! It is the sensitivity, which is accompanied by a sense of death and by a situation of threatened carnality but in each of the artists' work they all take another look. After all, the sculpture and the video art are two completely different art media.
(text: Dorota Łagodzka, translated by: Anna Orzechowska-Barcz)

Tomasz Rogaliński – born in 1987; he creates sculptures, objects and sculptural installations; he lives and works in Koszalin.

Filip Sadowski – born in 1983; he makes films and collages; he is associated with the Warsaw gallery Kolonie; he lives and works in Warsaw.

Filip Sadowski, Cage

Tomasz Rogaliński, Dog in bedclothes

'Nie-zła sztuka' by Dorota Lagodzka is licensed under a Creative Commons Uznanie autorstwa 3.0 Polska License. If you quote text from this blog, you must specify the name of the author and the blog.

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